The Federal (Allied Van Lines affiliate) driver called to say he would be at Keith's to pick up the bikes "about dinner time". He showed up by about 6pm, loaded up and rolling out by about 7:30pm. Each bike had to undergo a brief inspection for existing damage and to run through a check list of items for ship-prep. It all went smoothly and we photographed anything pointed out on the various bikes so there can be no issues later.

Here they all are, ready, willing, able...

First, Adrian's bike is inspected, signed off and staged for loading

Next up is Brian's bike

First two are staged and ready to be loaded

Adrian's bike goes in first

The drivers were happy to have our help loading up

Keith is assisting with Brian's bike...

... while enjoying a Chocolate Eclair ice cream bar from the ice cream truck. A little early in the season, but what the hell.

The Harley had already been inspected and staged by the truck, then it was on to inspecting Keith's bike.

Bike is clean, nothing to of note to write down.

Adrian arrives to help us see the babies off.

The bikes are strapped down to palettes and at Keith's urging, the drivers adjusted the straps for minimal suspension compression. The trailer is a smooth-riding "air ride" trailer and, according to the driver, won't have any problems at all.

On the left you have sleek and sexy, on the right you have boxy and solid - the Volvo of motorcycles

Next up is the inspection of Bob's FJR and Wayne's FZ-1

"No, no... that'll buff right out. We'll never have to tell him. Honest!"

Just kidding, looks fine. Let's finish this up!

oooh, artsy!

Chornbe holds up Wayne's FZ1 while the driver straps it in. How'd the shortest guy end up holding up the tallest bike?

"Uhm... guys... I'm stuck in here and I get kinda car sick on long drives. Help a brutha out?"

"FREEDOM!" (I'm not painting my face blue to yell that, either!)

From the side....

Adrian hamming it up and asking, "How come MINE'S not in this shot???"

And there they go. We all joined in a chorus of "Take good care of my baby". It was a pretty sappy moment. Adrian cried and have to leave before anyone took any more pictures of him. Sissy!
So... the bikes are officially on the way. W00T!
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